Saturday 17 November 2012

November 17, 1973: Athens Polytechnic Uprising

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The Athens Polytechnic uprising in 1973 was a massive demonstration of popular rejection of the Greek military junta of 1967-1974. The uprising began on November 14, 1973, escalated to an open anti-junta revolt and ended in bloodshed in the early morning of November 17 after a series of events starting with a tank crashing through the gates of the Polytechnic. [from Wikipedia]

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For more information in English, you can also watch a BBC documentary called Greece - The Seven Black Years (of the military junta) on Adam Curtis blog on BBC.

In commemoration of the uprising, the students of 6th grade dramatised and presented a short extract from the book "Birthday" by Georges Sarri and sang two very popular songs of that era: 'Το γελαστό παιδί' and 'Ο δρόμος είχε τη δική του ιστορία'.


"These red spots on the walls could also be blood
all the red in our days is blood" - Yannis Ritsos


 Last stanza of 
"Ο δρόμος είχε τη δική του ιστορία"

N.B. Children should not browse sites unsupervised.

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